Why is it important to keep clothes fresh all day long?

5 mins read
5 mins read

We might all have different tastes in clothes and favourite types of fashion, but one thing everyone can agree on is a love for clean, fresh clothes. Putting on a freshly washed outfit can fill you with confidence and comfort, but how do you keep that fresh scent going?

Maintaining clean clothes is important for both personal hygiene and your confidence. Fresh clothes also feel great against the skin, with the softness of fresh fabric a soothing sensation.

But many struggle to maintain the feel and smell of fresh clothes throughout the day and may even wonder if it is possible to keep clothes smelling as fresh as after a wash for an extended period of time. With Lenor’s handy guide you can discover the best tips on how to keep clothes smelling fresh throughout the day, and the best products to use for fresh-smelling laundry.
